Online Registration link for Admission for the Academic Session 2022-2023 will be available from 1st November 2021 on the school website
The Registration Form should be duly filled in all respects after logging onto the school website. A Registration Number will be generated after filling the form. Parents are required to submit the hard copy of the Online Registration Form (duly filled-in printout) with recent passport size colour photograph of the candidate, his/her father and mother affixed on the Registration Form at the school office along with Registration Fees in cash within three days of filling the online registration form.
Parents are requested to go through the Prospectus and Admission Information booklet available on the school website carefully before filling the registration form. The applications will be scrutinized and only those found complete in all respects will be selected for the Observation/Assessment Test. Intimation of the exact date and time, along with the Admit Card will be provided at the time of submitting the Online Registration Form. Applying for registration/ admission does not imply admission; admission is subjected to Observation cum-Interaction/ Assessment. It is also subjected to the availability of seats.
We request you to kindly submit the Online Registration Form through desktop/laptop only. Registration through mobiles is not recommended.
After the Observation/Interaction Assessment, a list of all successful candidates will be displayed on the notice board of the school. The parents of the successful candidates will be required to contact the school office for completion of the admission formalities by depositing the required fee and other charges along with the necessary documents.
Admission to Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Preparatory, Class I and Class II will be granted on the basis of the Observation-cum-Interaction. The presence of both the parents during this period is mandatory. Kindly note that the school does not take any kind of interview for admission to the primary classes.
The parents will have to bring both the copies of Admit Card on the date and time mentioned on the cards, when they come for the Observation-cum-Interaction. The Admit Card will have to be handed over to the Teacher In-charge for Observation-cum-Interaction and the Parent's copy will be retained by the parents to collect their child after the Observation Session.
Class III onwards, an assessment will be conducted, followed by an Interactive Session. Both the parents must be present in the School on the designated day(s).
The parents must bring both the copies of the Admit Card on the date and time mentioned on the Admit Cards, when they bring their ward(s) to school.
The entire procedure may last for three to four hours. Parents are advised to plan their schedules accordingly.
Before the commencement of the assessment, parents must hand over the student's copy of the Admit Card to the Session-In-Charge.
The eligibility criterion for admission to different classes is based on the age of the child. For the next academic year, the applicant's age as on 31st March 2022, as recorded in the birth certificate will determine the eligibility for admission to a particular class.
Recommended classes for children born between the following dates:
S.No. | Class | Time of Birth |
1 | Pre-Nursery | 01/10/2018 - 30/09/2019 |
2 | Nursery | 01/10/2017 - 30/09/2018 |
3 | Preparatory | 01/10/2016 - 30/09/2017 |
4 | Class I | 01/10/2015 - 30/09/2016 |
5 | Class II | 01/10/2014 - 30/09/2015 |
Online Registration for class XI opens from 19th April, 2021. The Registration Form should be duly filled in all aspects after logging onto the school website. Only Parents are required to come personally (to the school) to submit the completed hard copy (Printout) of Online Registration Form with affixed recent passport size colour photograph of the candidate, father and mother on the Registration Form, Photocopy of Birth Certificate of the candidate along with Registration Fees of Rs. 1600/- in cash within three days of filling the online registration form (In case of online payment, submit the photocopy of payment receipt).
The Online Registration Form will be rejected if any discrepancy is found between the particulars filled in the form and the supporting documents.
· Provisional Admission in Class-XI will be taken on the basis of the performance in the Aptitude Test.
· Final Admission will be confirmed only after declaration of Class X Board results subjected to the performance in the Aptitude Test and fulfilling the school's criteria in the Board Result.
· Admission depends on the availability of the seats in that particular stream.
NOTE : In case of non-fulfilment of Admission criteria after declaration of the Class-X Board Results 2021 the provisional admission would stand cancelled.
S.No. |
1 |
(i) PCM: English Core, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (ii) PCB: English Core, Physics, Chemistry, Biology |
2 |
Compulsary Subjects: English Core, Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics |
3 |
Compulsary Subjects: English Core, History, Political Science |
Following documents are required at the time of Admission:
Disclaimer: The School Management reserves the right to add, alter, amend or cancel any of the rules, procedures prevailing at any time which will be binding on the parents / guardians and students.